What is OPEC+ and how is it different from OPEC? U S. Energy Information Administration EIA

•   Stabilizing the international oil market is a core objective of OPEC. Fundamentally, to understand the purpose of OPEC better, it is important to note that this organization is technically a cartel. A cartel is generally a group of market participants that collude with each other to dominate a particular market and improve their profits through policies aimed at controlling supplies and prices.

  • The debate largely centres on semantics and the definition of what constitutes a cartel.
  • On November 30, 2017, OPEC agreed to continue withholding 2% of global oil supply.
  • Because OPEC has been beset by numerous conflicts throughout its history, some experts have concluded that it is not a cartel—or at least not an effective one—and that it has little, if any, influence over the amount of oil produced or its price.
  • Despite its power, OPEC has faced criticism over the years for its production policies.
  • Among these 10 countries was the world’s third-largest oil producer in 2022, Russia, which produced 13% of the world total (10.3 million barrels per day b/d).

How does OPEC affect gas prices?

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) can significantly affect the global oil market. The intergovernmental organization works together to coordinate and unify the oil production policies of the member nations. OPEC members will adjust their oil supplies based on market conditions and economic goals. In 1949, Venezuela and Iran took the earliest steps in the direction of OPEC by inviting Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia to improve communication among petroleum-exporting nations as the world recovered from World War II. At the time, some of the world’s largest oil fields were just entering production in the Middle East.

Ch. 34 The Middle East after the Ottoman Empire

  • OPEC decided to maintain high production levels and consequently low prices as of mid-2016, in an attempt to push higher-cost producers out of the market and regain market share.
  • On the other hand, if OPEC decides to boost production levels, it can increase the global oil supply, which can cause the price of oil to decrease.
  • Since then, the group has expanded to include as many as 16 countries, but currently has 12 member countries.
  • An intergovernmental organization whose stated objective is to ‘coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of member countries’.
  • Instead, OPEC members agree to produce only enough to keep the price high for all members.
  • Demand is dictated by consumers, businesses, and governments based on their needs for energy.
  • Some of the world’s greatest oil-producing countries, such as Russia, China, and the U.S., do not belong to OPEC.

Despite its power, OPEC has faced criticism over the years for its production policies. Some critics claim that OPEC’s decisions to limit oil production have led to higher oil prices and gas prices Cfd stocks that benefit member countries while harming the global economy and consumers. Others argue that the cartel’s power has diminished in recent years due to increased competition from non-OPEC countries such as the United States and Canada. As noted above, the main function of OPEC is to regulate the oil supply that its member countries produce to manage the price of the global oil market. The organization achieves this by setting production levels, conducting research, and promoting cooperation among member countries.

What is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)?

It is interesting to note that some of the world’s https://www.forex-reviews.org/ biggest oil-producing countries are not part of OPEC. In fact, the club excludes the world’s biggest oil producer, which, believe it or not, is the United States of America. It also excludes other major oil producers, such as Russia, China, and Canada. In total, these non-member states account for approximately 40% of global oil production. That being said, these same countries also account for around the same percentage of oil consumption. “OPEC+ member countries collectively agree on how much oil to produce, which directly affects the ready supply of crude oil in the global market at any given time,” Investopedia, which examined the organization’s influence in more detail, reports.

What Countries Are in OPEC?

OPEC’s decisions have a significant impact on future oil prices, so it’s important to learn how it works. In response, OPEC members—particularly Saudi Arabia and Kuwait—reduced their production levels in the early 1980s in what proved to be a futile effort to defend their posted prices. The influence of individual OPEC members on the organization and on the oil market usually depends on their levels of bitmex review reserves and production. Saudi Arabia, which controls about one-third of OPEC’s total oil reserves, plays a leading role in the organization. Other important members are Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates, whose combined reserves are significantly greater than those of Saudi Arabia.


Saudi Arabia, which has the second largest reserves and a relatively small (but fast-growing) population, has traditionally played a dominant role in determining overall production and prices. Venezuela, on the other hand, has the largest reserves but produces only a fraction of what Saudi Arabia produces. However, OPEC’s influence on oil prices has arguably waned in recent years, largely because the United States has become the world’s largest producer and one of the largest exporters of oil. Because the U.S. has grown its oil-production market share, it has lessened the influence of OPEC on the markets.

These long-term efforts became effective enough that U.S. oil consumption would rise only 11 percent during 1980–2014, while real GDP rose 150 percent. But in the 1970s, OPEC nations demonstrated convincingly that their oil could be used as both a political and economic weapon against other nations, at least in the short term. Demand for oil dropped during the global crisis, which began in 2020. Producers had an overabundance in supply with no place to store it, as the world experienced lockdowns cutting down demand.